U11 Development
What is U11 Development?
The U11 Development level follows Hockey Canada's U11 Pathway and is the first division to differentiate between recreational and more advanced programming. U11 Development is a higher level of U11 hockey. It could be considered as your players' first step into competitive hockey. This means a higher level of commitment to practice, games, and travel, but with a focus on player development.
Players are selected for this level through evaluations of both their individual skill and game play. Evaluations are held after Labour Day in early September. If two goaltenders are selected for the U11 Development team, a designated goalie not selected to play in goal for a game may choose to play that game as forward or defence.
If your player chooses to be evaluated and play for the U11 Development Team, you can anticipate added expenses and expectations over those in the recreational program. First, you will be required to pay an evaluation fee that is set annually by the Board of Directors (historically $125, but subject to change in the future). If your daughter is selected for U11 Development, there is an additional fee that is set annually by the Board of Directors to cover the additional costs including, but not limited to, extra ice time, administrative team fees, coach certification costs and higher officiating costs (historically this has been $525 per season, but subject to change in the future).
Players in Development are given extra ice time to improve their hockey skills in order to compete at this level. The U11 Development Team can be expected to have 2 practices and an average of 1 home game slot each week. On top of league games, there is potential for a number of exhibition games, so be prepared for 1-2 games each weekend . A full commitment is expected at all practices and games. The U11 Development Team can also be expected to attend 3-4 out-of-town tournaments over the course of the season. It is best if all players and parents are fully aware of these expectations and expenses before they agree to take part in evaluations so that they are prepared for the coming season.