November 11 from 3-7 pm ish, followed by the Ice-session from 8-10 pm ish. The age requirements are described with the links. All new officials MUST complete the prerequisite Hockey Canada Learning Lab prior to signing up for the clinic. This course will take multiple hours to complete so start it ASAP!
The RIC understands there is a U13C tournament wrapping up on the same day and will make special exceptions for late arrivals (with advance notice) for those who may be playing in the late afternoon games. The RIC will also cater the topics covered so that the people showing up late will still receive the information they need. The end time of the clinic may be extended to accommodate this. The ice session is a bit late for some youngsters- the plan is to have the entry level officials off the ice by 9 pm.
If you are interested in signing up yourself or your child please email the Referee in Chief, Leah at
Entry L1 is for New Officials who are 11 years old at or before the date of December 31st. This is for U9 (Cross Ice) hockey only.
New L1 is for New Officials who are between 12-15 years old at or before the date of December 31st. This is for regular L1 officiating - with the development provided by the MHA.
New L2 is for New Officials who are 16+ years old at or before the date of December 31st. This is for regular L2 officiating, with the development provided by the MHA.
If over 18 years old a Criminal Record Check must be at least pending or completed prior to registering for the clinic.
Once contacted, the RIC will send out another email with the equipment that is required for the mandatory ice session that will follow the in-class portion of the training as well as instructions on how to find the HC Learning Lab course on your MyAccount Spordle page.
Returning Officials Clinic
Wednesday October 30th
G.R. Pearkes - Lam Room
If you are aging up a level, ie. you are now 16 years old, you would be considered a L2 (not a new L2 - "new" means new to officiating) and if you are going to age up to level 1 from entry level 1 you would recertify as a Level 1 (not a "new" level 1).