Capital Region Female Hockey Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

CRFMHA Player Assistance Fund

Ian Fleetwood, president of the Capital Region Female Minor Hockey Association, with players, from left, Baylor Kreczmer, 5, Hadley Vanderdonck, 7, Lizellle Gamsby, 7, Selena Taylor, 6, and Everly Sundher, 7, before a on-ice session at Pearkes arena. ADRIAN LAM, TIMES COLONIST

Esso Fun Day

CRFMHA Player Assistance Fund

CRFMHA PAF Applications Now Open

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First Shift

CRFMHA to host two NHL/NHLPA First Shift Programs for the 2024-25 season

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Girls' hockey growing at quick pace in Capital Region.

Ian Fleetwood, president of the Capital Region Female Minor Hockey Association, with players, from left, Baylor Kreczmer, 5, Hadley Vanderdonck, 7, Lizellle Gamsby, 7, Selena Taylor, 6, and Everly Sundher, 7, before a on-ice session at Pearkes arena. ADRIAN LAM, TIMES COLONIST

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CRFMHA wins BC Hockey Minor Hockey Association of the Year 2022-23

CRFMHA selected as recipient of BC Hockey’s Frank Spring Award  All-female hockey organization is named “Minor Hockey Association of the Year”    Penticton, BC (June 10, 2023) - At the annual BC Hockey Congress in Penticton, Capital Region Female Minor Hockey Association (CRFMHA) was honoured with the Frank Spring Award as “Minor Hockey ...

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Esso Fun Day

Esso Fun Days are a free, safe, and fun introduction to hockey for girls and women.

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